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City Government


The Weyauwega Police Department provides 24/7 Law Enforcement Services to the great Community of Weyauwega.  While the Police Department office is not staffed with any certain hours, officers are best reached for non-emergency purposes by contacting the Waupaca County Communications Center at 715-258-4466. The Waupaca County Communication Center is part of the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office. It is staffed twenty four hours a day by trained telecommunicators.  These telecommunicators dispatch all Weyauwega Police Department staff. They will either transfer you directly to an officer, take a message or dispatch an officer to your location. In the event of an Emergency dial 911



Mission Statement:

The Weyauwega Police Department, working within the framework of the United States Constitution, will provide professional law enforcement services.  We will work in partnership with the citizens of the community to protect the lives and property of our citizens, friends and guests.  It is our duty to preserve the peace, providing a feeling of safety and security, while respecting the rights and dignity of all persons.  Our commitment and dedication to the community will be self-evident through our fair and impartial law enforcement, creative problem solving, and community partnerships. 





Weyauwega City Hall is a drop off location for Prescription Medications! Monday – Friday 08:00 a.m. – 04:30 p.m.


Waupaca County Crime Stoppers

Text Tip Line – 274637

Email Tips:

Call – 888-258-9955

Make a Payment

All checks or money orders should be made payable to the New London - Weyauwega Joint Municipal Court.  Because this is a multi-jurisdictional court you have the following payment options.

To make a payment in New London at the Court Office - 215 N. Shawano St., New London

      · Phone Number: (920) 982-8508

      · Fax Number: (920) 982-8665

      · Payments can be made during Municipal Court office hours on Tuesdays, 8am -              1:30pm and Thursdays, 11am - 4:30pm at the court window.

      · Payments can be left in the drop box located outside the court office (within City            Hall) Monday - Friday between 8am - 4:30pm.


To make a payment at the New London Police Department - 700 Shiocton St., New London 

      · Payments can be left in the drop box located inside the New London Police                    Department lobby Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm.

      · Please fill out the "Bond Envelope" provided in the brochure holder next to the              drop box with your information.  Fill out as complete as you can - the more                    information the better. 


To make a payment at the Weyauwega City Hall - 109 E. Main St., Weyauwega

      · Payments can be made at the Weyauwega City Hall Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm

      · Must have a copy of your citation with you.


To Mail a Payment

·         Mail Payments to:     

                New London - Weyauwega Joint Municipal Court
                215 N. Shawano St.

                New London, WI  54961

Returned checks will be assessed additional fees and referred for possible prosecution.

To Make a Payment by Credit or Debit Card

      · Payments can be made online by clicking on the following link                                                - www.GovPayNow.Com

      ·  You will need to enter our 4 digit pay location code.  Our code is 5306

       · You are responsible for any fee added by GovPayNow for utilizing this service


Need More Time to Pay: If there is a need to request time to pay, a payment extension, payment plan or are indigent you must do so in court or by submitting in writing prior to your court date.  None of these options are available until a plea of "no contest" or "guilty" has been accepted by the court.


What Happens If I Don’t Pay?: The Court may impose monetary forfeiture (including costs) upon a guilty plea or verdict.  If you fail to pay your forfeiture within sixty (60) days or (the time allotted by the court), your driver's license could be suspended for a period of up to one (1) years, you may be incarcerated for one (1) day for each $50 owed or the amount may be turned over to a collection agency or be subject to tax intercept.




Weyauwega Police Department Contact Information:

Emergency 911

Non-Emergency 920-867-4141

Fax 920-867-4142


Police Chief Brandon Leschke

920-867-4141 ext. 130


Patrol Sergeant Bryan Strobusch 

920-867-4141 ext. 131


Corporal Brandon Rode

920-867-4141 ext. 138


SRO Patrick McClone 

School Number 920-867-8999


Officer Elmer Keberlein 

920-867-4141 ext. 133


Officer Tha Vong Vue 

920-867-4141 ext. 135


Administrative Assistant/Records 

Heather DeGrand

920-867-4141 ext. 106



Helpful Forms and Documents

Available Resources

​ and for help with addictions and finding treatment facilities. 




City of Weyauwega Mission Statement


The City of Weyauwega will continue to embrace its great heritage and history while actively researching, attracting and implementing new opportunities and business for residents and guests to improve their quality of life through cost effective quality public services, great community events and recreational activities appropriate for all ages and cultures.

Weyauwega City Hall

109 E. Main Street, 

Weyauwega, WI 54983


(920) 867-2630


City Halls Hours Open to the Public:

Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm

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