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The Weyauwega Fire Department meets on Mondays to train and take care of department business. The first Monday of every month consists of inventory and a department business meeting. The second and third Monday of the month consists of training. The fourth Monday of the month is the officers meeting, and the fifth Monday is either an off night or an unscheduled training. 

Members train on these skills annually: Hydranted structure fires, rural structure fires, Rapid Intervention Team, forcible entry and ventilation, SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) skills, radio communications, driver training, pump operations, wildland fire skills and equipment, gas meters, vehicle accidents and extrication (Jaws of Life), boat/water rescue, ice water rescue, confined space rescue. 

Along with these skills practiced annually, members regularly tour local businesses and other areas of fire department interest to be aware of hazards and building layouts. We also have guest speakers/instructors including, but not limited to: Wisconsin DNR, Canadian National, WE Energies, Fox Valley Technical College, and vendors that supply us equipment. 

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City of Weyauwega Mission Statement


The City of Weyauwega will continue to embrace its great heritage and history while actively researching, attracting and implementing new opportunities and business for residents and guests to improve their quality of life through cost effective quality public services, great community events and recreational activities appropriate for all ages and cultures.

Weyauwega City Hall

109 E. Main Street, 

Weyauwega, WI 54983

(920) 867-2630

City Halls Hours Open to the Public:

Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm

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